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Novo ano, Novo você, Novos objetivos. 🥂🍾 Comece 2024 com 70% de desconto no 12min Premium!
Disponível para: Leitura online, leitura nos nossos aplicativos móveis para iPhone/Android e envio em PDF/EPUB/MOBI para o Amazon Kindle.
ISBN: 986079316
We live in the Age of Aging no other global trend will do more to impact public policy, health and human welfare. The world's Baby Boomers are marketing's most valuable generation and to exploit an opportunity this significant requires the smartest thinking from the marketing community. Getting Better With Age is based on the premise that as the world ages, marketers need to improve the way that they market to people of age. This groundbreaking piece of writing comprises insights, examples and intelligence to help marketers more effectively connect with aging consumers to realize the fast business growth associated with this massive but under-leveraged target market. It is based on innovative, new (young) thinking about aging and what it means to be "old," contains reasons why "70 is the new 50" as well as the implications for marketers in responding in order to leverage and build existing and new brand franchises."
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